Inspired Change Blog

Inspired Change Blog

[caption id="attachment_1207" align="alignleft" width="1600"]Cloud valley Costa Rica Cloud valley Costa Rica[/caption] Inspired Change Blog is about taking big and little steps that make a significant difference in life. How often have you wanted to do something but been held back by fear, uncertainty, and the voices from within yourself and others who say it is not possible? The impossible is possible if you do what is within your power, one step at a time.
  • What is important to you?
  • Are you genuinely open to change?
  • Is your present situation uncomfortable enough to do something different?
  • What is it costing you to stay stuck?
When considering moving thousands of kilometres from where we were born and lived all our lives, these were all questions my husband and I asked ourselves.  It is a story we are willing to share if you are inspired to know it. We also invite you to share your story.